Lodge Secretary - News and Reports

Secretaries Report 2023/24
At the start of our Masonic Year in October 2023, W. Bro. Roy Shirley was Installed into the Chair of King Solomon. Roy, who has been a Mason for over 50 years celebrated his 90th Birthday at our Christmas meeting in December, where we Passed one of our Pathway Candidates to the Second Degree.
Over the course of our meetings in 2024, the Lodge Initiated 5 new members, 3 of which were Direct Applicants through the Provincial Pathway Initiative.
The highlight of the year was at our Installation meeting in October, when our 90 year old Master handed over the reins to his successor, W. Bro. Paul Yarwood on a truly memorable occasion which was attended by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V. W. Bro. Nick Franklin, and members of the Provincial Executive.
Our regular Lodges of Instruction have been a success again this year with an average of 14 members attending on a regular basis. The LOI evenings have been attended by both Past Masters and Junior members of the Lodge where the emphasis is on learning in a fun environment, which has been the ethos of our DC, W. Bro. James Gillett and our Lodge Mentor, W. Bro. Andy Cook for several years.
The Regular meetings attract on average 25 of our members and are well supported by visitors from Old School Lodges and personal guests.
With a strong leadership team behind the scenes, the Lodge remains strong both in terms of membership and the standard of our ceremonial work in the Temple.
With ceremonies booked in for the next 2 years and potential new candidates on the horizon, the Lodge is looking forward to another successful year.
W. Bro.Rob Bates